Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler has shirked his duty to protect the citizens of Portland and turned the city into an unsafe jungle tormented by Rose City AntiFa terrorists.
unfiltered.politics #Portland#Antifa takes over the streets as cops stand down while senior citizens get harassed, called white supremacists, and their cars get vandalized. What the hell is going on in Portland? Leftists have totally and completely lost their minds. #VoteRed (Video on original tweet, not shown.)
Background: Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi is presumed dead. Last seen 2 October visiting the Saudi Consulate in Turkey. #FakeNews CNN and #Failing NY Times report anonymous sources as saying Kashoggi was tortured and murdered during an interrogation. Many in the media are demanding President Trump take action against Saudi Arabia without proof. Isn't this how America gets into trouble internationally meddling and interfering in another country's politics?
Trump: ‘The Only Way To Find Out What Happened At The Saudi Consulate Is To Send In More Journalists One At A Time’
Only problem is their logic fails to meet the sniff test.
Anecdotally, AT&T's purchase of Time Warner started drawing more attention from from the Justice Department's Anti-Trust department right after President Trump's nominee was approved, so that does seem suspicious. Moreover, the basis of the DOJ's challenge appears arbitrary (never has the the DOJ imposed divestiture of an asset as a condition of antitrust approval) and contrary (an antitrust block to a vertical transactions would be unprecedented) and therefore, generally without merit.
Superficially then, one might assume that because President Trump is no fan of CNN and Time Warner is CNN's parent corporation, a petty President Trump could be meddling in the acquisition via his DOJ appointment because he does not like CNN.
Except that AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson is a Trump supporter, who might conceivably put pressure on CNN to be more Trump friendly. So why would President Trump object to AT&T purchasing #FakeNews CNN?
Philosophically, it makes much more sense that #DeepState operatives within the DOJ are trying to undermine President Trump by their groundless interference.
Members of the 4th Estate used to take pride in their independence, their cherished and respected role in America's political system to ensure the Representatives of We the People actually represented our interests. All these miscreants are shamefully in bed with one of the most dishonest, vile candidates ever. Worse they slander her opponents, both Democrats and the Republicans, substituting their will for the will of the people.
More good news for the elitist, lying, leftist, Trump-haters at FakeNews CNN their ratings dropped another 30%! When will Jeff Zukerberg be fired? Maybe MSNBC will hire some of the failed cockwombles, but hopefully not since the CNN dimwits listed below deserve to be flushed away like the detritus they are.
Clueless Brooke Baldwin blamed veterans for the Baltimore riots.
Snarky Dana Bash is one of the most inept presidential debate moderators ever.
Seriously obtuse Michelle Beaddle says all plays should kneel for the National Anthem utterly misses the point that per capita blacks disproportionately commit higher numbers of crimes.
Liberal sycophant Erin Burnett tried to blame shootings on postpartum psychosis.
Cheater Donna Brazile fired from @cnn after it was disclosed she gave #hildabeest debate questions.
Fantasy jerkoff Chrisy Cillizza says real world of campaign politics trumps reality. Later Chrisy proves again fantasy trumps reality when he gets punked by a self-identified twitter parody account
Spinster Soledad O'brien who was caught reading propaganda from left-wing website Talking Points Memo.
Two-faced Ana Navarro called President Trump an animal, then whined that it was dehumanizing for President Trump to refer to MS13 gang members as animals
Bully April Ryan who misquoted @PressSec Sarah Sanders implying Sarah was challenging her to a physical fight.
Narcissist Angela Rye uses eye rolls and sneers to counter thought points and to show her agreement with the anti-Trumper liberal, sissy boi Andrew Cuomo who chirped the liberal politically correct lie America was never that great, because, well you know, patriotism is only for the fly over, ignorant hillbilly, deplorables.
Dimwit Symone Sanders says President Trump engaged in hostile takeover of courts by fulfilling his responsibility to nominate judges.
Press Secretary Sarah Sanders says White House does not really care what Barry Soetoro, Hillary Clinton, and John Kerry think about President Trump cancelling Obama's signature Iran Deal.
Charlie Kirk commenting on Socialism, from the video below:
"Socialism in general is much more about hating the rich than helping the poor. They hate success. At the core of a leftist is a horribly unhappy, narcissistic, self-interested person that was never able to make any sort of success for themselves in the real world. Because of that, they spite those that attain that which they could never do themselves. And so they would rather watch the world burn than create a better place. They would rather tell us to live our life that they see fit in the utopian society than improve the life of themselves."
Liberals hate walls yet live in gated communities.
Liberals hate guns yet walk around with armed guards.
Liberals hate school choice yet they send their kids to private schools.
Leftists want to tell YOU how to live and do something different entirely themselves.