Obama is thinking about the oil spill ... and what he can do ... and what the government should do ... and what BP can do ... and he's right on top of BP's efforts ... and he's mad as hell ... and he's ordered them to stop the spill ... and blah, blah, blah!
SO, why isn't he and the government doing something about collecting the oil that's already out in the gulf and floating around and waiting to be collected???
NO, I am not making a request here for more or bigger government or more or better government oversight. I am not being hypocritical. We NEED to do what we can NOW to collect the oil and we NEED to send BP the bill!
I am saying is that there is a tremendous amount of oil freely floating about in the Gulf and all our federal, state and local governments and private citizens should be trying to collect the already escaped oil instead of simply thinking about the problem!!
Just to be clear, that was meant as a dig against our president who says he's thinking about the problem when he wakes up in the morning and before he goes to sleep at night. He didn't mention it, but, ... does the spill elude him during the day? But I digress.
Ahem, ... if President Obama is thinking about the spill so much, why hasn't he thought about collecting the freely floating oil? Why hasn't he ordered resources to collect the millions of gallons of free floating oil that that everyone says is the biggest natural disaster in the history of the U.S.?
Let me proffer a couple of suggestions why he's not.
Remember when Rahm Emanuel said never waste a good crisis? Perhaps, just perhaps, the President and his cabal are letting this go so they can press their agenda AGAINST more drilling and FOR Cap and Trade. Letting the oil spread while he puts on a public face of concern and outrage nicely dovetails with President Obama's Hopey, Changey thing that got him elected. Yeah, that's pretty evil idea; but, it could be true. And the rational for it being true is this could be the crisis that wakes the American people up to a green agenda, off our dependence for foreign oil and stops us from sending billions to countries that don't like us. Admirable goals that Saul Alinsky would say justify any action or, in this case, inaction to achieve.
Don't believe President Obama is that scheming? That manipulative? The President, through Robert Gibbs, has already denied this, so it simply cannot be true. I say this facetiously and I point this out because, well, this is written and you can't see the incredulity on my face.
Well then, what's left? Me personally, if he's not leveraging the opportunity, then it's simple. President Obama's thinking skills are simply too limited to come up with the idea. Bluntly, he's too intellectually challenged! Yeah, that's it!! Just like the schmucks at BP, Deepwater Horizon and Halliburton that erred so spectacularly in thinking that they could and should ignore a couple small problems with the well in the first place, President Obama has mismanaged his response.
Neither is very palatable.
Regardless, please contact your elected officials and tell them to get off their duffs and start implementing strategies to collect the oil!!
I'll be keeping an eye on the beaches near me. Please, if you have some time or the opportunity arises, why not adopt a segment of beach or shoreline like others adopt a segment highway to make and keep our country clean. To you who do, I offer my sincerest thanks.
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