The extremely poor quality of the presidential candidates from both parties is cause for alarm. Still, there are differences and voters need to inform themselves as the founding fathers always intended and thought they should to participate in their own self governance. This election is especially crucial because a Supreme Court nomination hangs in the balance.
For the 2016 presidential election the absolute wrong choice, in states that could possibly support both candidates, is to either not vote or throw away a vote on a third party candidate because you do not like the standard party alternatives.
Abstaining or voting third party in general elections is akin to:
- Children on playgrounds taunting their playmates saying if you are not going to play MY game, I am taking MY ball and go home.
- Liberals seeking out safe spaces because they are fearful or incapable of hearing something discordant to their dreary narrow-minded beliefs.
- Spoiled, immature people everywhere abstaining from participating because they did not get their way.
In my opinion, all of the above are the same, they are dull witted people cutting off their nose to spite their face. They are throwing out the baby with the bath water. They are denigrating grapes as sour because they cannot reach them (AESOP). Or whatever other old saw you wish to apply to people who fail to understand the consequences of their actions or erroneously believe good intentions are sufficient to inform their actions.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions and those intentions should not be used to guide or evaluate your actions as Milton Friedman sagely opines below.
Yes, there are are exceptions to the rule and there are times when it is appropriate to do abstain or vote third party candidates, but the situation MUST be assessed before blindly doing so. If for instance you are a Blue State voter in California, go ahead and stay home or vote Libertarian as it is completely a forgone conclusion, for at least the foreseeable future, Cali will vote liberal chic. New York or Maryland are deeply blue as well and the same thought process applies.
Red State voters have the same opportunities to abstain or dispose of their votes in deeply conservative Alabama and Montana. You can generally take your cues from the map of party affiliation below.
To all Gray State voters, you do not have the luxury of alternatives. Please know that your vote counts, that your opinion matters to swing your state conservative or liberal, one way or the other. It is imperative that you participate in the two party election process!
The time to vote your preferences is during the primaries when you cast your vote for the candidates that best compliments or parallels your views, values and beliefs. It is during the primaries that all alternatives should be explored, new ideas and parties championed and discussions held so that voters can arm and inform themselves with the facts.
Personally, I cast my primary ballot for Dr. Rand Paul, but sadly, he is no longer a candidate for president. It is also Rand Paul that I look to for support of this position that voters should participate in the two party selection process we have. Dr. Paul knows that he can make a bigger difference by branding himself a Republican even though it is obvious from everything he says he is a Libertarian. Dr. Paul has already said, and I fully expect him to support, and vote, for his party's nominee even though his views and Trump's views are in some cases diametrically opposed and generally not in sync, because he knows in the long run it further his personal objectives and the countries to support his party.
Look, I get that Trump is a bellicose bully, seemingly unsuited to be president, accordingly I have not been a general advocate for Donald Trump. But I am an American and I am pragmatic. The majority of American's have spoken and unless and until we change our processes, I will abide by them.
Please do not be selfish, insecure, immature or spiteful. Elections have consequences, please participate wisely.
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