Monday, October 21, 2013

America's Troubled Finances

It is amazing to me that people can be so ignorant of America's finances. For the past couple of years John Stossel has been trying to show America's budget to numbers most could relate and appreciate like this one here from John Stossel's Blog, on 22 February 2012:

Anyone who see those figures instantly understands that the situation cannot continue forever. Well, everyone it seems except the dimwit liberals. Somehow they think that one day politicians are going to wake up and realize that they cannot continue to buy votes by giving away other people's money, because they will have taken it all just as liberal pundit Bob Beckel recently admitted to Stossel.

Another, more recent view of America's finances was published by Freedom worksFreedom Works on 19 October 2013:

When will we wake up and stop celebrating liberal's unbridled spending?

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