Far too many people, mostly liberals, are believing the deceptions President Obama and his supporting cast of prevaricators have been putting forth about the benefits of ObamaCare. The evidence is clear and convincing that ObamaCare is not beneficial and in fact it is harming America. And because the media is down playing ObamaCare negatives the true believer liberals can ignore the truth! And the truth is as follows.
- UPS has announced it would no longer cover spouses who can obtain coverage through their own employers New York Times, 8/21/2013
- Twenty percent of nearly 600 large employers in a survey completed this year charged a spouse surcharge in 2013. An additional thirteen plan to do it next year Huffington Post, 9/11/2013
- Trader Joe's tells employees that they will no longer offer healthcare for employees working less than 30 hours per week. Offers those employees $500 to help find coverage. In California, where Trader Joe is incorporated, the monthly premium for a 27 year-old is $215 Huffington Post, 9/11/2013
- 351 employers reduced workers hours below the 30 hour per week threshold so that they would not be liable to include them in their health care coverage pool Investor Business Daily, 10/18/2013
- One of the major cost drivers of ObamaCare is the HHS mandated coverage which has caused prices to rise in all but five states Heritage.org, 10/16/2013
- ObamaCare hates competition and has replaced many low income state alternatives as is the case of a young lady in Michigan whose local $75 a monthly premium jumped to $319 a month plus a $6,000 deductible Campus Reform, 10/9/2013
- The Cleveland Clinic sited by the President as a model for healthcare has announced $300 million cuts, including layoffs and early retirement buyouts and the closing of a 144-bed skilled nursing facility cited ObamaCare as the reason U.S. News and World Report, 9/18/2013
- The 4th Amendment against unreasonable searches and seizures says the government cannot arbitrarily enter your home, meanwhile ObamaCare includes Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program FreedomOutpost.com, 10/2/2013 reviews the language and finds very disturbing language suggesting that smoking parents may be subjected to home visits that they cannot refuse
- All of your personal data can be used for law enforcement and audit activities under ObamaCare Weekly Standard, 10/8/2013
- Now that we are learning what in ObamaCare instead of liking what we are finding as Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Democrats are becoming increasingly concerned that ObamaCare's cost cutting board will harm people on Medicare as Gov. Sarah Palin warned when she called them Death Panels The Hill, 8/8/2013
- President ignores the law and unconstitutionally delays the employer mandate for a year Forbes, 8/5/2013 exacerbating the social divide he has been fomenting
- Contrary to the President's promise that if people like their plan they can keep their plan, 300,000 Floridians, 160,000 Californians and probably millions more across the country will lose their existing healthcare insurance plans because they do not meet the ObamaCare minimum requirements NBC News, 10/18/2013
Within the first couple of years of its passage, unions and companies aware enough to do so, scrambled for waivers. The last report I found from HotAir.com, 7/16/2011 says the number of waivers issued was approaching the 1,500 mark. If ObamaCare was going to be so good, how come so many said no they don't want any part in it?
Now that the exchanges are open, the President and HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius say they don't know how many have signed up. NPR quoted the president was targeting 500,000 sign-up by October 31. According to Kantar US Insights who was finally able to review ObamaCare data only about 36,000 people were able to successfully enroll in the first 5 days The Hill, 10/16/2013! At that rate, far fewer will enroll than the president predicted. And that is worrisome since ObamaCare needs widespread acceptance and enrollment from the young and healthy to cover the cost of the older and infirmed.
And the actual costs? The table below tells an expensive story.
Is it any wonder why enrollment is so sad?
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