Thursday, November 07, 2013

Did Barack Obama Mis-speak or Did He Lie?

One of the fundamental tenants of legal construction is to give words their plain, every day, ordinary meaning. I take note of this because Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Obama is a lawyer and he was an adjunct Constitutional law professor at the University of Chicago. UC must have been pretty hard up to hire an affirmative action beneficiary Harvard schooled lawyer rather than someone who earned it with their intelligence rather than the color of their skin, but I digress.

It is important to take note of this because the plain, every day and ordinary meaning of Barry's statements to the American Medical Association:

  • That means no matter how we reform healthcare, we will keep these promises to the American people.
  • If you like your doctor, you'll be able to keep your doctor. Period.
  • If you like your healthcare plan, you'll be able to keep your healthcare plan. Period.
  • No one will take that away.
  • No matter what.

do not need parsing, do not need interpretation and definitely do not need explanation. Each of the statements are simple, straight forward and declaratives, evincing a complete thought. They stand alone and when taken together provide a complete explanation and exclude the possibility of intended or implied caveats. Either Barry meant what he said or he did not.

That Barry meant what he said is important because the statements were specifically uttered to induce people to think positively about ObamaCare. The statements were expressly made to calm people's concerns about what would happen to them once Barry’s vaunted, signature program ObamaCare was enacted and started impacting people's lives. And Barry made the statements in some form over and over again to show what a swell guy he was and why people should vote and re-elect him.

Barry made the statements knowingly and with aforethought intention to motivate people to act in a specific way. And now Barry wants to walk them back. Wants to take them back. Wants to explain them in a more favorable light to his needs, definitely not America’s understanding.

To me, and I suspect most people, the statements are powerful. And if they were used in the context mentioned, which I believe they were, there is only one conclusion supported by these facts.

Known liberal leaning said it is a little late for Barry to be changing what he said and awarded Barry its most critical “Pants on Fire” rating for trying to walk these statements back.

Ardent Barry supporter and socialist leaning Washington Post Fact Checker awarded Barry its highest non-truthful rating of 4 Pinocchios for trying to change what everyone clearly understood.

For me, it is much simpler. Barry lied. Period.

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