It should be increasing clear to all paying attention, the website fiasco, the premium increases, the deductible increases, the privacy invasion, the security breaches, the tax increases, the cancellations, and all of the government lies speak to one clear and simple fact: ObamaCare is not the panacea Democrats pretended it was when they enacted the legislation without Republican support and to mediocre, ambivalent and skeptical public support!
The Patient Protection Affordable Care Act started in a cloud of Democratic deception, grotesquely came into focus in contrast to the fraudulent and disingenuous reassurances of Barack Obama and liberal Democrates and now can only be decribed a misguided and disingenuous grab for glory by Democrats that will destroy America. Therefore the only reasonable solution is a full and complete repeal!
The solution for all of America's insurance needs is to remove all state insurance monopolies and establish a free market with some general regulations, but far fewer controls than are now in place, wherein all healthcare insurance providers, including Medicaid and Medicare, may compete across state lines. Let market systems work to the advantage of health care consumers to their natural effect, reasonable prices and reasonable services!
Government regulatory schemes should be in place to protect the unwitting and naïve Americans and to establish policy standards such as coverage for adult children and some reasonable pre-existing condition controls and recommended policy coverages against which all policies can be evaluated and consumed.
As President Clinton has complained over and over again the US pays almost twice what the rest of the world pays for healthcare. With that budget appropriately applied, we should be able to afford insurance for all Americans without the blossoming ObamaCare government bureaucracy and privacy intrusions we are now suffering.
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